ICU mainly admit the patient after critically ill shock, critically ill infection, severe wound, multi-internal organs function failure, old age danger serious illness and after surgical operation etc. , who need the fundamental life support, including the heart, the lung, the kidney and the liver supporting techniques. Staff of ICU have received professional theory and technical training strictly, are competent on all kinds of monitoring and curative work for the critically ill patient. The unit equip each kind of import life-support machine , multi parameter guardianship meter, heart electricity emergency actuator, and multi-purpose guardianship hospital beds etc. Our unit can develop the vulnerarious monitor of hemodynamics, the per cutem incision of trachea, sophisticated method to clear encephalic haematoma , monitor of nerve function and metabolism monitor and so on . The unit is especially expert in early recovery treatment of seriously injured patient. Recovery of cardiopulmonary function and nerve function is also our speciality .
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