Brief Introduction to Physical Therapy Department of Spinal Cord Injury and Bone Diseases
Physical therapy department of spinal cord injury and bone diseases was established in 1988 with area of 482.38m2 and various kinds of modern rehabilitation facilities. The staff of 31 professionals, including one Ph. D., nine Masters and eleven Bachelors, in which three assume vice-senior title, seven intermediate title and five has been internationally authorized,is highly qualified for providing enthusiastic and full rehabilitation service.
The advanced department is engaged in both medical treatment and research in domestic, which provides services for more than 400 patients every day, including some characteristic rehabilitation therapy. Therapists set exercise goals in strict accordance with the “evaluation - training - re-evaluation” process. The various techniques were used to implement effective "one to one" training, which helps the patients to improve and restore motor function as well as the quality of life and ability to participate in social activities. The regular therapy includes the acute and chronic stage after spinal cord injury, orthopedic disorders and outpatient rehabilitation guidance. The characteristic therapy includes: respiratory function rehabilitation, enteric function rehabilitation, pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation, fall prevention training, and clinical application of rehabilitation robot etc. The staff is highly experienced in both theory and practice with advanced techniques of physical therapy while continually updating professional knowledge and exploring new field of rehabilitation.
Besides the routine medical tasks, the department also commits to the theory and clinical teaching of the Capital Medical University undergraduate and a large number of national training courses of various rehabilitation techniques. A series of research on the efficacy of rehabilitation robot on spinal cord injury patients were carried out. What’s more, under the leadership of the Department Director, 25 SCI articles have been published and obtained 3 patents.
The whole staff here will devote our love and patience wholeheartedly to the disabled people regarded as the center of service.
脊髓损伤骨疾病物理疗法科成立于1988年,占地约482.38m2,拥有国内外各种先进的康复设备,现拥有一批高素质,康复技术过硬、服务热情的专业技术队伍,康复技术专业人员31名,其中博士1名,硕士9名,学士11名,有5人获得国际资格认证和学历。副高职称3名,中级职称7名。 脊髓损伤骨疾病物理疗法科是包含特色康复治疗项目且集临床、科研于一体的国内先进的康复治疗科室。每日完成治疗患者400余人次。康复师严格依照“康复评价——康复训练——再评价”的流程,准确地制定患者的康复目标,运用各种先进的手法技术,实施有效的“一对一…
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